Thursday, March 24, 2011

Numri i katërt

This Cartoon is mocking the American political system and how it uses up money. The artist is using common symbols which are a clown and a fast food chain loved by most children. In the foreground there is a clown who is taking the place of Ronald McDonald now called Ronald McGovernment and The golden arches sign which normally says McDonald’s has become McCongress Billions and Trillions Robbed. The extremely overweight clown is eating a burger which has Obama’s stimulus written on it and the clown is saying that he is going to save the day by not underfunding federal agencies. This means that more money is going to a system and never getting used for anything productive, it also say that the government always find money for its own agencies and interest groups but when it comes to the people of the country the money never seems to be able to flow. “Ronald McGovernment Surprises Himself… Again” and the US belt that he is wearing could also mean that the government somehow manages to fit another large and expensive plan into the budget so we are loosening the belt instead of tightening it.  The money that was spent we will never get back but it does make a person wonder where the money comes from sometimes and if we do nothing but print money then are we really solving any of the financial problems in this country?

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